About the Owner
Hey guys, it's Ben. I do this for fun, but it is also my job and I enjoy being the best.
I'm just thrilled someone years ago found a way to make fishing more difficult. Not using bait? The thing that worked great for thousands of years? The food that fish like to eat? Sheer genius. It was way too easy before. Lures? Still too easy. Bit of fuzz on a hook? Ok now the pain is becoming fun. Making up completely new animals like a "Tarpon Toad," coloring it neon chartreuse (match the hatch, right?) and still pretending the fish are gonna like that? Insanity. I love it. Now charge me $2,000 for the rod and reel and count me in.
Not because I am the best at sales (although as a fun fact, I actually sell more saltwater fly rods than any other single salesperson in the entire country, and probably the world). Not because my background is in very high-end German precision optics (Leica) but it's where my obsession with detail and quality craftsmanship comes from. Possibly because I have been fishing my entire life. All of it helps, but there is more. I relentlessly test, test, test gear.
I'm just thrilled someone years ago found a way to make fishing more difficult. Not using bait? The food that fish like to eat? Sheer genius. It was way too easy before. Lures? Still too easy. Bit of fuzz on a hook? Ok now the pain is becoming fun.