"Is Gel Spun Backing Necessary?"
Is the fish bigger than you? Then yes.
Giant Trevally, big Tarpon (not the small to medium ones), Marlin, sharks, etc.
Bonefish? No, don't be silly. Redfish? Nope. Permit? Nope. Relax guys, please. I get asked this all the time. We are here to help.
Just to elaborate a little here, generally the standard backing (usually called Dacron) comes in either 20lb or 30lb options. Gel spun backing starts at 30lb and goes to 50lb, then 65lb/68lb depending on brand, then 80lb, then 100lb (Scientific Anglers). Almost nobody needs those last two sizes at all. There isn't much 65lb backing can't stop, and remember your fly line core probably isn't rated to more than 60-65lb for the larger fly lines (11/12wt+) and only 40-45lb max for 8-10wt lines (typically). So guess what's going to break? Hopefully just your leader if you didn't overdo it on that as well. But that's another article for later.
So what is it for? Gel spun backing can give you extra capacity (length) relative to Dacron on the same reel due to thinner diameter relative to the rated break strength. How much backing do you really need? Are you using a smaller fly reel than what is standard to save weight, or a very thick fly line like Tropical Outbound Short? It's two sizes heavy, as are the Titan series from SA. So on your 9/10wt reel for example if you want to use a 10wt oversized line (actually a 12wt equivalent in terms of grain weight), you can't squeeze nearly as much Dacron in 30lb as you could 50lb gel spun. That's the actual usefulness of gel spun - this type of scenario. But again, for most of the smaller fish species I mentioned, even 200 yards is silly and you will never need it. Also, why are you using a grossly oversized fly line for those small fish species? How windy is it, seriously? I know all about what the lodges and guides might have on their packing lists for you. I get sent those all the time. Relax. We fill up the reels to make customers happy, not because you actually need it.

There was a big fuss years ago when gel spun backing came out. I remember talking to people about all these new choices. Everyone had to have it. Dacron, the "regular" backing option, was hardly ever requested. Guys, please relax, Dacron still works just fine. Gel spun backing, known by various names for different brands, is a thinner, stronger alternative to regular backing. But it's not necessary for most fishing. I still get people asking us to put 65lb gel spun backing on their 7/8wt reel. It's not your fault if you don't know something yet, that's what we are here to help with. And it's not that the gel spun backing "won't work" on a bonefish setup, but it's just a bit silly and totally unnecessary.
Remember, I run one of the best saltwater fly shops on the planet. The only reason these other fly shops push gel spun backing for every reel is to sell you something 3 times more expensive or because they don't know any better. We will always put the appropriate backing on the reel for you, on request, at no extra charge. Backing is free in all the combos we sell and is included with any regular-price reel. If you want something different, you can buy anything you want. But don't ask me to splice hollow core for your bonefish setup (yes people ask this) - Stop watching so many YouTube videos or telling me "some guy said in a forum" on fly fishing - just ask an actual expert who sells many miles of backing every year.
I'll do more quick explanations like this to clear up popular misconceptions in saltwater fly fishing whenever I can. Any questions? Call or email us!