New RIO Elite GT Line with Kevlar Loop - Updated for 2024!
*Update: As of 2025 we are recommending Cortland GT line from their newest series, which is what many guide operations in the Seychelles use for Giant Trevally on a daily basis. For even more power, Cortland CANNON is a brand new series of ultra-powerful saltwater lines as well.
You know we love the details and being on the cutting edge of saltwater fly fishing here at Salt Fly Pro. In 2024, RIO introduced the new and improved RIO Elite GT fly lines featuring heavily reinforced Kevlar loops. We have had this new line on order since the first day RIO told us about it. This news might not be huge for everyone but for our customers targeting GT, this is pretty neat. These new and improved RIO Elite GT fly lines feature Kevlar loops. RIO has always been one of the top choices for GT fly lines, primarily this GT series as well as Elite Tropical Outbound Short. Now there's yet another reason to pick Elite GT, the loop is literally bulletproof, or at least the material is.
RIO has also been cooking up some brand new GT Mono leader material which comes out very soon for big game (mainly Giant Trevally but will work great for all the other big fish too). It will come in 80lb, 100lb, 120lb, and even 150lb sizes. And probably the best news is it's not even very expensive at all, looks like it will arrive under $10 a spool. For fishermen targeting Giant Trevally, Arapaima, Sailfish & Marlin, and those types of big game species, this is going to be a huge hit. We will introduce this into our upcoming big game combos / fly rod and reel outfits as well.
Check out all the info provided by RIO: